Bats, Cats & Tourniquets
Scott has been taking several classes down in El Paso, some of which are more interesting than others, and some he just dreads because he says they are just painfully boring. Currently, he is in the middle of a Combat Lifesaver Course, something standard to anyone in the military. Yesterday he reported learning the difference between a tourniquet and a pressure dressing. And yes, they got to practice the techniques on each other. He calls me nightly, and this past week he has been calling me as he sets out on his evening run. We talk about the events of the day and get caught up while I listen to his heavy breathing as he runs. If there is any weather-related wind at all, it just sounds like he's trying to talk from within a jet engine, ha ha. He will say, "Hang on about 30 seconds and then I'll be changing direction!" And then, like magic, it is quiet and calm and I can hear him again. Last night, I asked him to send me a picture of him in his running gear, so here...