Knock Knock . . . who's there? . . . Coronavirus. Can I come in?

Um, let me think for just a second. NO! Are you crazy? Now get outta here. On Monday, Amber went running with her friend, Lyndsey, as usual. Later that same evening, Lyndsey developed a cough. She woke up feeling horrible Tuesday morning and got tested for COVID-19. It came back positive !! Yikes! That meant that Amber had been exposed the day before, and would need to quarantine immediately. I discussed with my supervisor at the Election Office what I should do, and she said if Amber developed any symptoms at any point that I should stay home. Otherwise, they said it was okay for me to be there. On my way to work on Thursday morning, I was literally 30 seconds from the office when I got a text from Amber saying that she didn't feel well. As I turned the car around and headed home, I called the office to let them know I wouldn't be coming in for a while. More on that in a minute. Monday: I visited with Kylie during my lunch break. They have been struggling with their puppy, Ko...