What does the Bunny Say?
I'm sure you've heard of the song "What does the fox say?" If not, you can enjoy it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9OuOpVQFi0&ab_channel=WaqasKhan I even have the children's book with the entire illustrated song. :) What I would like to know is, "What does the bunny say?" I know they're capable of making little sounds, but what is it exactly? Is it a little squeak?? If anyone knows, please tell me . . . I was able to help one of Amber's friends on Friday by bunny-sitting all day. Lindsey was very concerned about her lop-ear bunny named Ouli (pronounced Ooh-lee) because she wasn't pooping. After 12 hours it was an actual emergency! Bunnies typically poop all day long as they hop around and nibble on stuff. If they can't poop or pass gas, it's a very critical situation. Lindsey looked on YouTube and found a couple videos on how to massage the bunny's tummy and help her stretch out to get things moving. She was finally...