
Showing posts from November, 2022

Mexican Thanksgiving Feast

Happy Thanksgiving!! I hope all of your turkeys turned out delicious, with all the trimmings. :) I hope that the people you chose to spend the day with brought happiness into your heart. I hope that you acknowledged some of the blessings in your life, the small ones as well as the bigger ones. And I hope that the gratitude that you felt brought some peace into your soul. :) I would like to share some of the things I am most grateful for this year.  Top 10 Things I'm Thankful for in 2022 (in no particular order) 1. My family. This year I've been all over the country and all over the world, and have had numerous visits with my ever-growing family. I was able to hug my 101 year old Grandma Doris and receive loving kisses on my cheeks from her in Northern CA. I was able to hold and hug my newest granddaughter, Avery, for the first time in Aviano, Italy. I played with my 1.5 year old grandson, Jack, at a park in Arlington, VA. I took my 2 older granddaughters kayaking and roller-...