
Showing posts from April, 2023

Signs of God's Love

I want to begin this post by trying to put my feelings into words. It is so HARD to try to have joy at the same time as you are experiencing deep pain and sadness. It is difficult to celebrate a birthday at the same time as getting some terrible news over a phone call. This week has seen some high highs and some low lows. One thing is beginning to become more clear through it all: God and Jesus Christ love us and they want us to know it. We might see it through something subtle, like a kind and compassionate look from the caring eyes of a family member or a friend. We might feel it as a piercing, yet peaceful feeling during a portion of a song. It might even be something surprising and beautiful that we see in nature, that causes us to feel like this moment was meant just for me, and me alone. Some refer to these experiences as "tender mercies". In other words, it is a gift from a Kind and Loving Father who has compassion on us and all that we are going through, and also want...