
Showing posts from May, 2023

Two Weeks With Scott in Idaho

It was so wonderful to have Scott with me for TWO WHOLE WEEKS. After the weekend with family surrounding Coy's funeral, life got pretty quiet once everyone went home. Bev's husband, Ken Vian, stayed on for an extra week to look after Scott's dad, Phil in Rigby. We drove up almost daily to visit and bring in a meal (mostly to keep Ken's tummy happy).  Dad sure likes his daily routine. Get up around 5:30-6:30 a.m.. Exercise on the treadmill downstairs for a few minutes, maybe lift a few weights. Go upstairs for a little nap. Get showered and dressed. Another little nap. Then it's time for breakfast anywhere from 7:15-8:00 a.m. (Breakfast consists of cream of wheat with a little sugar and a few raisins, a glass of apple juice, and one piece of toast with PB or jam on it.) This is typically followed by another little nap. The day is a rotation between reading in the living room, his office, or out on the porch, with naps in between. By 3:00 in the afternoon, he is ready...