You'll Feel Better Once You're Riding a Horse
It has been a wonderful week and I am so thankful that more than one of my children successfully drove across the country without incident. Amber, Abby and Gwen arrived safely on Wednesday evening. And Jacob navigated the moving truck like a champ from Arlington, VA to Grand Rapids, Michigan on Saturday. (more on that later . . .) When Amber was maybe 6 years old, she wrote a very profound statement on a card to our friend, Mistee Lemons. Mistee had been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and was recovering from a stem-cell transplant that left her very weak. Amber drew a picture of a horse on her homemade card along with the words, "You'll feel better once you're riding a horse." We've found that to be oh so true ever since. (more on that below) In order to keep everything straight on the happenings of the week, I'll just start at the beginning. Monday, June 19th: I hung out in Rigby for several hours, waiting for the new internet company to come and swi...