My Ancestral Jewish Home in Venice

I'm so excited to share this adventure with all of you! It took place about a month ago, just before Scott and I left Italy to fly home to Idaho together. I have been reading and researching a LOT about my Bassano ancestors from Italy over the past 2 years, and have had the glorious privilege of seeing some of their historical sites in person. But this day trip was a whole new level of special . . . In the book, "Shakespeare Exhumed: The Bassano Chronicles," by Dr. Peter D. Matthews, he tells of visiting the archives in Venice and locating what he believes was the actual HOME of the Bassanos when they lived and worked in Venice, specifically for the Doge (Duke). We're talking the early 1500's here. On his website, Dr. Matthews shares some important information on how he came to determine that this was their house. ( ) If you scroll down about 1/4 through the main page, just past th...