My 2023 Thankful List

Happy Thanksgiving!!! I hope you stuffed yourselves with all the best and favorite foods that you dreamt of, and that you have sufficiently recovered afterwards . . . I am in a faraway land for a few more days and I look forward to sharing photos and stories of this exotic place with you at some point. It shouldn't be too long before I'm able to reveal more details, maybe in a couple more weeks or so. Scott had most of the day off for Thanksgiving, and we went to a wonderful local and family-owned restaurant for dinner. It sure was nice not to have to cook and prepare a feast, and then clean it all up, too. But I did miss having my whole family gathered around the table with me. As lazy as I have gotten about cooking in the past couple years, I still love to have a meal with a big group of my favorite people. I have had several things on my mind lately, so I hope this is a good place to share my thoughts. I know of several people who are struggling in various situations. My he...